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POSITIONS 15 May 2020

Joint Statement - More vigilance required on retail alliances for a stronger EU agri-food supply chain

Together with Copa-Cogeca, representing farmers and agri-cooperatives, and FoodDrinkEurope, representing food manufacturers, AIM, the European Brands Association, has issued a joint statement in response to the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) report on retail alliances and their impact on the food supply chain.

We welcome the JRC report on retail alliances and their impact on the agrifood supply chain, which confirms that unfair or anti-competitive behaviour may arise with retail alliances. The report, however, also demonstrates that more research is needed to understand the negative effects of retail alliances on the entire supply chain. By 1 May 2021 EU Member States are expected to adopt and publish their measures to transpose the 2019/633 Directive on Unfair Trading Practices and this report is a timely reminder of the goals of the Directive, addressing a number of unfair trading practices applied by buyers or groups of buyers to the rest of the supply chain.