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Let’s put industry at the core of the EU’s future - Industry4Europe Joint Call
The Industry4Europe coalition has issued a Joint Call to the candidates for the 2019 European Elections. The Joint Call sets out the Coalition’s aim to make industry the priority for EU policy makers, including future Members of the European Parliament and the future mandate of the European Commission.
European industry is everywhere in our daily life: from the houses we build, the furniture we buy, the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the healthcare we receive, the energy and means of transport we use to the objects and products ever-present in our lives.
With its skilled workforce and its global reputation for quality and sustainability, industry is vital for Europe and its prosperity. Today, 52 million people and their families throughout Europe benefit directly and indirectly from employment in industrial sectors. Our supply chains, made up of hundreds of thousands of innovative SMEs and larger suppliers, are thriving and exporting European industrial excellence all over the world.
The Joint Call to the candidates for the 2019 European Elections is part of the Industry4Europe coalition’s campaign to put industry at the top of the EU political agenda.