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Joint statement welcomes Parliament’s drive to support farmers, businesses and consumers across EU
On 10 July 2018, MEP Paolo De Castro presented his draft report on the proposed Directive to fight unfair trading practices (UTPs) in the food supply chain to Members of the European Parliament’s Agriculture and Rural Development Committee. AIM, Copa Cogeca, Fair Trade Advocacy Office and FoodDrinkEurope welcome Mr. De Castro’s work on this important topic and his willingness to combat unfair trading practices along the entire food chain.
In particular, the signatories very much support the extension of the scope proposed by Mr De Castro, as all businesses along the food chain must be protected from UTPs; moreover, this will align the proposed Directive with the legal frameworks already in place in 20 Member States. In addition, the coverage of all agricultural and food products is a step in the right direction.
Furthermore, the signatories support any efforts to ensure that the Directive leads to an effective cooperation between enforcement authorities especially when addressing transnational UTPs.
We call upon Members of the European Parliament to work jointly with the Council to strengthen the Commission’s proposal with the objective of creating a minimum harmonised framework at EU level to the benefit of all businesses and consumers.