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AIM Publications: Brands as Drivers of Sustainability

Have a look at AIM’s latest publications on sustainability:

  • With its updated Eco-Design Brochure, AIM highlights the commitments and efforts of brands in achieving a clean and circular economy, in terms of sustainable product and packaging design, optimised resource use, recycling of products and incorporating recycled content but also efficient production processes, reducing greenhouse gas submissions, transferring to renewable energy, responsible sourcing practices (AIM-Progress) and consumer involvement (Brands Nudging for Good).
  • The  brochure AIM Brands Activities & Principles on Sustainable Development outlines how AIM members focus their activities on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They are in a unique position to promote environmental sustainability, health and well-being of citizens and their communities, and to shape consumer behaviour and choices in line with the SDGs.

For more information, please directly contact Eva Schneider, AIM’s Sustainability & Communications Manager, via

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