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AIM-PROGRESS goes beyond compliance
In its latest newsletter AIM-PROGRESS announces its new 2013-2016 Strategy. It builds on the existing work of AIM-PROGRESS and now includes a third strategic driver which proposes to move beyond compliance towards measureable performance improvement in our supply chains and improving the lives of the employees within these companies. It is true that merely supplier compliance to existing law is already difficult enough to achieve in some regions, but AIM-PROGRESS believes that the ambition to move beyond compliance should not be absent from companies’ CSR strategies.
To help AIM-PROGRESS achieve this the work streams have been re-organised, allowing members to focus energy on core areas.
Mutual Recognition and Supplier Capability will remain as main work streams. Business Integrity and Human Rights will continue their work but will now be considered as projects rather than full work streams. For information on all AIM-PROGRESS work streams and projects, please visit the website.