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EVENTS 02 April 2016

AIM launches Nudging for Good Awards

The AIM-Nudge initiative is about helping consumers to adopt healthier and more sustainable lifestyles. To recognise best practice and gain scale, AIM is launching the Nudging for Good Awards.

The Awards will be given out in Spring 2017 on the occasion of a Nudging for Good Awards Gala Dinner, with the participation of the members of the AIM Board. The Awards will go to the most original and effective consumer nudges on health or sustainability, including the circular economy, healthy nutrition, personal hygiene, responsible drinking and more. Besides the opportunity to add social equity to companies’ brands, the award winning cases will be given public recognition both within the industry and with policy-makers and a broad range of stakeholders.

The Awards are open to participation by corporate members of AIM as well as members of AIM’s national associations.