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Intellectual property rights and firm performance in Europe: an economic analysis

The Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (June 2015) The European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights and the European Patent Office had carried out an EU-wide study on the contribution of intellectual property rights (IPRs) to the EU economy (cf below).

This follow-up study carried out by the EU Observatory delves into the contribution of IPRs to individual firms in Europe. Main findings:
•Companies that own IPRs tend to have almost 6 times more employees than companies that do not.
•Their revenue per employee is 29% higher on average.
•They pay wages that are on average 20% higher than firms that do not.
•About 40% of large companies own IPRs.
•Although only 9% of small businesses own IPRs, the firms that do have almost 32% more revenue per employee than firms that do not.



(Source: EUIPO)