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NEWS UPDATES 25 March 2020
GlaxoSmithKline – Together against COVID-19!
GSK actions to support the global response to COVID-19
- Screening and research into new medicines: A collaboration with Vir Biotechnology to use Vir’s monoclonal antibody platform technology to accelerate existing and identify new anti-viral antibodies that could be used as therapeutic or preventative options for COVID-19.
- Helping frontline health workers and offering expertise: GSK is donating $10 million to The COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, created by the UN Foundation and WHO.
- Taking action to deliver high-demand consumer healthcare products: Increasing production for pain relief brands and multi-vitamins and dietary supplements.
- Supporting UK national effort to boost COVID-19 testing: GSK, AstraZeneca and the University of Cambridge have formed a joint collaboration to take action to support this national effort.
(Source: GlaxoSmithKline plc.)