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Clear commitment to climate protection: Beiersdorf publishes Sustainability Review 2017

Beiersdorf’s 2020/2025 ambitious commitments are designed to ensure that the company is focused on the areas where it can have the greatest impact.

By 2020 Beiersdorf for example plans to switch over the electricity supply at all its production and office sites worldwide to 100 percent renewable energy sources. In 2017 the necessary conditions were established for all production sites and all of them will be switched over already in 2018, with the exception of Mexico and Nigeria. Chile and Poland are set to join the production centers in Germany and Spain, which already draw all their energy requirements directly from renewables. The remaining production centers will purchase “International Renewable Energy Certificates” (I-RECs) for the electricity they purchase, as in these countries it is either not yet possible to supply renewable electricity directly, or the conditions for direct supply are not economically viable. The production center in Mexico plans to generate its own electricity with a Combined Heat Cooling and Power (CHCP) trigeneration system. Electricity from renewable sources is thus set to rise from 45 percent today to around 75 percent in 2018.

All 2020/2025 commitments and the full Sustainability Review progress report 2017 is available on the company’s website here:



(Source: Beiersdorft)